Long time no see friends - and for that, I apologize. Once again life caught up to me, and with my 60+ hour work weeks with OT for six days in a row - my minimum free time and a singular day off was spent either sleeping, running errands, or spending time with my roommates/best friends (if our schedules allowed for it lol). Bank account thriving. Me, questionable lol. I love my job I really do, it's just that sometimes the long days and hours can get to you (that rhymed hehe).
Over the next few days, I'm trying my best to catch up on everything, and at least for the meantime (the next week lol), my schedule is kinda back to normal (praying it stays that way), which allows me to get back into my passion for writing. So you bet your petunias I am about to write and prep as much as I can in these coming days. Whereas unlike for the last fourteen or so my computer has been shut off and it took everything in me multiple times after getting home from long shifts to not sit down at it and just pour my heart and feelings out. Instead, I chose to go the healthier and more responsible route (that's a first lol...just kidding....kinda )and get some sleep as I would be back at work again in just a few short hours. Look at me adulting. Proud.
To say the very least this last month has been really draining. Both physically and mentally (which I will touch on at a later date). But I am so excited for the next one ahead - to not only get back into writing, but I also have so many fun things planned. After all, it is Leo season - which means my birthday month hehe- whoooaaa a social life, who is she? Lol. To be honest, I am just as shook as you all.
So get ready ya'll cuz she is about to embrace her Leo-ness and I don't know if you're ready for it (cue Taylor swift - if you get this reference ten points for Hufflepuff)
I can't wait to share with yall (august please come sooner) and take you along for this wonderful yet crazy journey we call life.
Till next week friends. Let’s get back to t-spilling :P
As always, stay happy. Stay healthy. Stay safe.
<3 T