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Writer's picturetessazalfen

I Stand With You

As many of you have seen this last week, our world and frankly justice as we know it has failed spectacularly. Unfortunately, this is something that has been going on for decades, centuries even. You would think that by now we would all know how to treat and respect one another, but this just goes to show that we are really no further along than we were in the 50s and 60s when the Civil Rights Movement was occurring. Racism is still present. People today still do not know how to treat one another, and frankly, it's sickening. It’s not hard to respect one another, it really isn't-but yet people today act like it's the worst thing that they would ever have to possibly do.

The color of someone's skin is just that, their skin color-nothing more. Nothing less. It doesn't affect who they are, and what they do. Yet some people today still think that that is what makes up somebody's character.

So why in 2020 do people still base and judge one another off of skin color? Why do people of color get more mistreated when it comes to everyday life, and crime sentences (even if they didn’t actually commit it, people are quick to point fingers at them instead of a white man/woman)?

One word, one word that holds so much power, yet individuals take it for granted every single day.


Whether you like to believe it or not, there is clearly privilege in society today that is based on skin color.

Remember when Brock Turner ACTUALLY raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, got sentenced to only 6 months of prison, and then only served three because of his "good behavior."

Yet, George Floyd, a man of color was MURDERED by police because he was ACCUSED of using a suspected (not even proven) counterfeit $20 bill.

A white man who committed a dehumanizing act gets to walk freely, but a colored man who wasn't even proven guilty was attacked by police, in which they committed a dehumanizing act on him, on the spot, and ended up getting his life taken away from him.

This isn't the only time this has happened either. It's something that happens every day. There is no doubt that those that have white skin walk freely every day without fear in their bones. Fear of wearing a hoodie out, fear of going for a walk, or working out around their neighborhood. Fear of sleeping soundly in their own home. Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor were shot at (multiple times) and killed for doing those simple mundane acts.

We take so many daily tasks for granted, while there are millions out there that are scared to even attempt them, and many even murdered during them. No one should EVER have to feel that fear. No one should EVER not be respected. Everyone deserves to be treated equally. So why is it that we just can't seem to get there, no matter how many years or centuries past? Why is it that individuals are still being judged off the color of their skin?

While more and more people nowadays are educating themselves on this issue and choosing to take action and stand with those in need; there is still an extremely large amount that is hardcore set on their beliefs and won't budge. Which don't get me wrong, I respect them. I respect you and your opinions, even if they don't match mine. Do I personally agree with them? Maybe not, but just because our opinions don't match doesn't mean that I will disrespect you and yours.

The other day, I had someone close to me verbally attack me for posting about Black Lives Matter. Last time I checked, I was allowed to post whatever I wanted and allowed to stand up for what I believe is right. I knew this person had a very different set of opinions and beliefs, which as I have said, I respected, yet why couldn't they do the same to me? I even asked this person that exact question, and their first response was, and I am not kidding “because yours are wrong”.

These conversations aren't fun. They suck. But they need to be done. Have those hard conversations with people. Call them out. These are the ripples that will lead to bigger instances of change.

I truly hope that one day everyone who doesn't see what is going on right now as a problem can have their eyes opened, but ultimately that choice is up to them. At the end of the day, all we can continue to do is spread awareness, spread resources so that individuals can educate themselves on the matter, and hope that one day their heart will change. If we continue to stand and march together imagine what we could accomplish.

As each day passes, more and more people are banding together to stand up and defeat, not only racism but police brutality once and for all.

Riots and Protests have been headlining the media recently, and more times than not; the media chooses to focus on the protests that involve violence and looting. Rarely do they choose to showcase the ones that are peaceful.

Instead of showing individuals hand and hand, quietly marching down the street. Or police/government officials kneeling with them and admitting the injustice in the system. They show the chaos, the breaking of windows, the shooting of rubber bullets into crowds.

Left and right there are officials putting their egos aside and taking the right side of this battle, but there are also the ones who try to use this corrupt system to their benefit, using violence and hiding behind their badge not thinking that they will get caught and have to pay the consequence for their acts of violence.

In fact, at this point, I would love to point something out. The definitions of protesting vs that of terrorism.

Protest(ing) - the expression of disapproval of or objection to something

Terrorism- the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims

If you base what is occurring now off the definitions of each of these words, what the police are doing to civilians is considered terrorism. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that those who are protesting that choose violence and to loot are in the clear either, but that is not the biggest problem at hand. The major problem is the fact that our justice system, our whole governmental system actually, is extremely corrupted and based on a culture full to the brim of white supremacy.

The other day, our president, who is supposed to be leading our country (please don't even get me started on him, that is a whole other rabbit hole we can go down another time) said that in order to stop the violence that is occurring he would deploy the military to ‘quickly solve the problem’ aka implement more violence…. Because that makes soooooo much sense to do (not).

Before I speak more on police brutality, and the corrupt system. I would like to say a few things.

1) For those, especially the white supremacists, who will in response to this say 'All Lives Matter', of course, they do. By no means are we dismissing the fact that everyone's life matters, we are not saying that yours doesn't. However, your life is not the one at stake right now. Your life is not the one that is being unlawfully judged based on your skin color. So I'm gonna break it down easy for you, as I'm sure you have already probably seen or heard this; but I'm going to tell you again anyway. If someone's house was on fire and they were stuck inside are you gonna make the fire department go to every other house first because all houses matter?

NO. Because they don't need it. They aren't the ones whose lives are in danger.

The Bible even explains it as well, in Luke ch. 15 with the Parable of the Lost Sheep.

Imagine there were 100 sheep, but 1 went missing. Jesus asked those around him if they would leave the 99 to go after the 1, as they were the one that was in danger. Of course, the other 99 sheep still matter, but they weren't the ones who's life was being threatened. The one was.

These are such simple analogies, yet so many still decide to be selfish and somehow make this about them. As a white person, I know we are privileged. Whether we like it or not we are. We can be poor and struggling, and still, our skin color is giving us more privilege than anyone else, so much so that you may not even realize it. This movement is not saying that all other lives don't matter, its calling attention to the fact that society thinks that black lives do not; when they do, they so f*cking do.

2) To all the police out there, Richard Williams (Prince EA) artist and rights activist said it best: Please listen. Hear us all out. Open up your eyes and your ears to our peaceful cries for change. Do not let the metal in that badge you wear block the energy of your heart. We know your world is somber, you see some people at their ugliest. However, do not base everyone off of those bad experiences. Not all apples that fall from the tree are bitter. Allow yourself to instead of continuously looking for the worst in people, to look for the best-see their beauty. Liberty and justice for all means every color. There's no escaping that statement and its meaning or running away from it. So why do you keep stepping on the necks of, shooting at, killing, and ripping away human rights from those of color? Why view their skin as a weapon? Continue to be tough on crime, after all, it is your duty. But also be a decent human being. Be respectful. Treat everyone, every crime, every suspect the same; regardless of the color of their skin. And if you cant? Quit. Because you are not what we need.

Just think, what if you were on the other side?


3) By no means have I been, or am saying that not everyone involved in the protests are saints. I know that there have been individuals using these peaceful marches for clout, as well as there are some who do act out in violence against officials. I am also not saying that all cops are the same. I know that there are good ones. There will always be good people and there will always be bad people. Again, we shouldn’t base someone off of their skin color, whereas we also shouldn't do it based on their job. It's all about character. Unfortunately though, just as there have been the individuals who have chosen to resort to violence and looting after the fact of the protests, there is also no doubt that over the last few days (and years frankly) many officers have acted out in vicious manners and poor ways as well. Ultimately showing us their true character. Showcasing that at the end of the day, not all who are supposed to protect and serve us are doing so in the right manner. Instead, they are silencing us, prosecuting the wrong individuals, and resorting to violence and anger instead of peaceful confrontations in which they hear what we are ultimately calling for.

The other day, on June 1st the LAPD Chief Michael Moore stated that the death of George Floyd was on the hands of the protestors and looters, and not on the hands of the officer who actually murdered him in hateful cold blood (despite Floyd saying that he couldn't breathe) and the other officers who just stood there and watched this occur. So basically, because we as individuals are choosing to speak up against the corrupt and racist system that this man works for, we are obviously clearly in the wrong (please insert eye roll here). Not only this, but they are also claiming that all the peaceful protests that have been occurring are civil unrest and criminal acts. Yes, you read that correct-a peaceful protest (keyword peaceful) is intentionally causing a public disturbance, one that involves damage and injuries. If they are intentionally doing anything, it is trying to end racism and white supremacy. And if anyone is injuring individuals it is the officers doing so to the peaceful protestors. All across the internet, you can see videos of tear gas being sprayed at, and rubber bullets being shot at protestors who are literally just standing there causing no harm or foul to anyone else. There's video evidence of cops purposely targeting people of color, and choosing to intentionally hurt and arrest them at these protests; pulling them out of their cars, and shoving guns into their hands to make it look as if they are the ones in the wrong when it's not. Members of the NYPD this week were even caught on scanner tape telling officers to run over protestors and to, and I quote “shoot them motherf*ckers.”

White men and women can show up at protests with guns in their hands and not be questioned or have a second glance cast their way, but if a man or woman of color were to do so they would immediately be tackled to the ground. In Van Nuys on Monday police were called by store owners because looters were trying to get in. When the police showed up they saw a few people of color outside the store and without a second thought immediately put them in handcuffs, despite numerous individuals around the officers informing them that those they cuffed were the store owners. These officers saw skin color and just assumed the worst of these people.

Also, looking back a few weeks ago, if we're going to compare some protests; police weren't trying to end the ones against coronavirus, but now all of a sudden because people are protesting against injustice and racism, hundreds of officers and even military members are being deployed to each and every protest in riot gear. People are being shot at for just standing on their porches or trying to walk home from work. Yet the other week, they just shrugged and let people protest about the disease and went on with their day. Both peaceful protests, so why is one being treated with violence and arrests, while the other isn't. Don't get me wrong, coronavirus is serious and I'm not diminishing it in anyways. But the real disease currently is racism, hatred is a virus too. It is something that has become so ingrained in the mind, and lives of millions that they turn a blind eye to it. Again this is something that has been around for hundreds of years, and for some damn reason, it is still around today.

Screw Racism.

Screw White Supremecy.

Screw Injustice.

What is going on right now is NOT ok. For the millionth time, it is NOT ok, and it needs to be stopped.

A revolution has many lanes.

Some are posting on social media.

Some are protesting in the streets.

Some are donating silently.

Some are educating themselves.

Some are having those tough conversations.

I do ask one thing though.

Please do not stay silent. It only takes one person to create a domino effect. Be that person. If you reach just one other individual, the chain reaction will continue. I promise you that much. If you choose to use social media don’t let numbers get in the way and stop you from speaking out and calling for change. Who cares if you have 50 followers of 50,000. The follower count doesn't matter. This movement does. Use your voice, create that chain reaction. Create a change.

This is something that will go down in history. Don't you wanna be a part of it, and be on the right side of it?

Help your brothers and sisters. Stand with them.

See them

Hear them

Mourn with them

Fight for them

I know many of us will never understand, but I stand with you <3 and I hope and know that so many others do too.

You are not in this battle alone.

It Needs to End. Now. This injustice is not, never has been, and never will be ok.

We will continue to stand by and with you as this fight continues on.

And for those who don't know how to help, below I am listing ways in which you can.

I have found many of these links and posts on Instagram and Twitter, and believe them to be extremely helpful and informative; and I hope that they can and will help you too.

  • If you are looking to donate, here are a few organizations that you can do so to

    • The George Floyd Memorial Fund (

    • The Minnesota Freedom Fund (

    • Reclaim the Block (

    • Campaign Zero (

    • Black Lives Matter (

    • National Bail Fund Network (

    • Color of change (

  • Numbers to text or call

    • FLOYD to 55-156

    • JUSTICE to 66-8336

    • ENOUGH to 55-165

    • Call or send a message to your states congressional representative

    • Get in contact with the DA: 612-348-5550 or Minneapolis Mayor: 612-673-2100

    • Get in contact with the Louisville Mayor and call for justice for Breonna Taylor: 502-574-2003

  • Petitions to Sign

    • Justice for George Floyd (

    • Colors of Change (

    • Justice for Breonna Taylor (

    • Justice for Ahmaud Arbery (

    • Raise the Degree (

    • Fire LAPD Chief (

  • Educate

    • Podcasts

      • 1619 (NY Times)

      • POD Save the People (crooked media)

    • Film/Tv

      • 13th (Netflix)

      • Dear White People (Netflix)

      • The Hate You Give (Hulu)

    • Books

      • White Fragility (Robin Diangelo)

      • How to be an Antiracist (Ibram X. Kendi)

  • Vote

    • If you are not 18 pledge to register

    • If you are above 18 and have not already done so, register to vote

    • Vote in any, and all elections: local, primary, etc.

  • Action: what else can I do?

    • Check-in on friends and family

    • Screenshot, share, post, and repost resources on social media to continue to educate yourself as well as those around you. Hold them accountable. Hold yourself accountable.

    • Continue to be an ally and advocate. Identify the privilege and condemn it. Watch what you say, and stand up to racist jokes, comments, etc.

  • More ways to help/educate


I know that I will most likely get hate for this post. So be it. I will not be silenced. I am standing up for my friends, my family (blood or not), my neighbors. I am standing up for those who even after hundreds of years are still being extremely mistreated. I will not back down. I will not allow someone else to tell me what I believe is wrong.

We are living in a toxic world, and change NEEDS to happen, whether you like it or not, it's something that needs to be done.

I know a lot of you may come to my site to find stories full of laughter, hope, and positivity. But what is going on right now is SO much more important than what is going on in my personal life. I said that I was going to write about serious topics, and there is nothing more serious than what is occurring outside all of our doorsteps at this time. Some of you may not like this, that’s ok. I’m not writing this for you to like me, I’m writing this to make a change. A change that I want to be a part of. A change that is long overdue. A change that I know will, and frankly is taking the world by storm right now. It may be a long and hard battle, but it is one that will be worth every damn moment. I won't apologize for speaking up about things that I feel strongly about, not now, not ever. I want to do nothing more than make a positive impact in this world and on the current situation. It is more than just me and you, it's about coming together to fight for what is right.

Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter Today. Black Lives Matter Tomorrow. And Black Lives Matter Every Day After That.

I stand with you. Let’s create this change.

I love you all <3


Psalm 11:3-5

"The foundations of Law and Order have collapsed. What can the righteous do? But the Lord is in His Holy temple; the Lord still rules from Heaven. He watches everyone closely. examining every person on earth. The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence."

Isaiah 1:17

"Learn to do right. Seek Justice. Defend the oppressed."

Matthew 22:39

"Love your neighbor as yourself"


Please remember to love one another.

Treat everyone with kindness.

Kindness is free and it can go a long way.

If you would like to be treated with respect, respect others as well, it's as simple as that yet people for some reason see it as something that is so complex.

And If someone comes after you for speaking your mind on this matter, instead of fueling their hatred with more hatred and disrespectfulness, try to educate them.

Never stop speaking up for what you believe is right. Don't allow anyone to silence your voice. Be the change. Create a change. You can do it.

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